Monday 12 December 2011

Construction: Ancillary Product - TV Listings

Now I have completed my documentary, I have begun creating my ancillary products. After carrying out research on TV Listings and Newspaper Advertisements for documentaries I have begun creating my ancillary products using Photoshop.

Firstly I have used the rectangle tool to create the basic layout of the TV listings page. Following my research I decided that the featured documentary should stand out from the other listings therefore I have created a 'Pick of the Day' style 'Must Watch' section on the right page of the TV Listings.

I then created four boxes and titled them accordingly

In the image below you can see how I have added the date onto the page and continued to use a blue colour scheme.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Construction: Editing - December 10th

I have now nearly completed editing my documentary
During the editing process I have added clips which I wish to use as cutaway shots furthermore I needed to reduce the audio of these cutaways. To achieve this using iMovie, I selected 'Audio Adjustments' and this allowed me to reduce or increase the volume of my selected footage accordingly. The image below is a screenshot of the Audio Adjustments menu on iMovie. (Click to enlarge)

Below are two screen shots showing my editing process; you can see where I have inserted a song which I have edited using Garageband. You can also see where I have inserted titles and text narration: