Friday 4 November 2011

Construction: Choosing and Editing Footage - November 4th

In todays lesson I have continued with the editing of my existing footage and I am in the process of planning which footage I wish to add to my documentary. To do this I am viewing my footage and pinpointing which parts of my interview would be made more interesting with a relevant visual and listing these parts in a Microsoft Word document, which is shown in my screen shot. 
(Click image to enlarge)

Whilst editing my footage I have found a clip which I wish to re-film but only as a voice recording. I feel that what my interviewee has said would compliment a particular cutaway shot and so I will record her speech again, but using a dictaphone for clearer sound. A still image of the cutaway shot can be viewed above, click to enlarge.

This is the chosen speech I wish to record: 'Like most other jobs here at Havens Hospices my job isn't a nine to five role. I don't come in, do it and go out again, it's with us all the time.'

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